Tri- County Associates

Phone: (303) 466-5777

Tri-County Associates was formed in the early 80’s as a neighborhood company committed to being in the same place when you came back the next time.  The intent was to build a decent working life in one place, and to know that a long term future was being established.  Currently this little company moves 10 to 20 million dollars worth of real estate each year.  We represent clients in the sale and purchase of their personal homes, and that’s all we do.

So if you hire us, what’s in it for you?

In a world of corporate bigness, there is this unspoken rule that “bigger is better”.  Wal-Mart has lower prices and a better selection than the corner store.  Even though you know the owner of the corner store, and they call you by name, we’re willing to head over to Wal-Mart if it can save us a few dollars and the item we want is in stock.

Real Estate, on the other hand, is one of the last great frontiers for the small business entrepreneur.  There is almost nothing (and certainly nothing of great value) that a large real estate company can do for its clients that a small company can’t.  The truly effective advertising channels are available to all.

The record shows that we make a difference in what you pay for a new home, or the cash you take out of the one you sell – often thousands of dollars.  No kidding.  Experience pays.

We keep in touch with you, and keep on top of your transaction from start to finish.  You’ll have no more unpleasant surprises along the way.

We show you how to prepare your home for sale – often overlooked, but absolutely the most critical part of selling your home in a timely fashion, and for top dollar.